Online learning, links with optimization and games

Université Paris–Saclay — 2024–2025
Thursdays 9:00–12:15 — Room 1A7

This course proposes a unified presentation of regret minimization for adversarial online learning problems, and its application to various problems such as Blackwell's approachability, optimization algorithms (GD, Nesterov, SGD, AdaGrad), variational inequalities with monotone operators (Mirror-Prox, Dual Extrapolation), fixed-point iterations (Krasnoselskii-Mann), and games. The presentation aims at being modular, so that introduced tools and techniques could easily be used to define and analyze new algorithms.


January, 23th
Convexity tools — Exercices
January, 30th
UMD Theory — Exercices
February, 6th
Online linear optimization — Exercices
February, 13th
Online convex optimization — Exercices
March, 6th
Blackwell's approachability
March, 13th
Gradient methods in optimization & AdaGrad
March, 20th
Regret learning in games
March, 27th
Extensive-form games


Evaluation will be 100% project-based.

Projects will become available progressively. A project can be attributed to at most one student. You must choose a project below (first come, first served) and notify me by sending an e-mail.

Projects have various levels of estimated difficulty, indicated by a number of stars. Grading will take that into account. If you are facing important difficulties, you can ask for help by sending me an e-mail.

Completed work must be sent by e-mail and may contain several files (e.g. a pdf and a Jupyter notebook).

Available projects

Candidates for validation

  1. Brucato, Lorenzo
  2. Caudard, Joris
  3. Chahmirian, Armen
  4. El Aafi, Salma
  5. Glaib, Ilyas
  6. Gou, Xinyi
  7. Kashou, Layth — ★ [theory, code] A hybrid of mirror descent and dual averaging
  8. Kharisov, Timur — ★★★ [theory, code] Approachability-based optimization
  9. Khusainov, Marat — ★★ [theory] AdaGrad-Diagonal: Stronger adaptivity to smoothness
  10. Lahmi, Elona
  11. Le Dréau, Vincent
  12. Lemaire, Alicia
  13. Loret, Alexandre — ★★ [theory] Yet another algorithm for online strongly convex optimization
  14. Pradignac, Alexandre
  15. Riveiro, Ilian
  16. Salama, Saja
  17. Tapia Riera, Guido Samuel — ★★★ [theory] Finer approachability bounds
  18. Vantalon, Gautier
  19. Yagouti, Redouane