Joon Kwon
INRAE Researcher
Professeur attaché — Université Paris–Saclay
Bureau E3.244 — MIA Paris-Saclay UMR 518 — AgroParisTech
22, place de l'Agronomie, 92120 Palaiseau
Curriculum vitæ. — Français, English.
Research Topics. — Machine learning, optimization, game theory, applications to life sciences.
I defended my PhD Thesis on October 18, 2016, under the supervision of
Rida Laraki and Sylvain Sorin at Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu,
Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie – Paris 6.
- PGMO PhD Prize (2017)
- Fondation mathématique Jacques Hadamard post-doc laureate (2016–2018)
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning — M2 Université Paris-Saclay (2023–)
- Online Learning, links with optimization and games — M2 Université Paris-Saclay (2024–)
- Introduction to Machine Learning — CPES2 Paris Sciences et Lettres (2018–2023)
- Finite-sum optimization: Adaptivity to smoothness and loopless variance reduction (with Bastien Batardière, Julien Chiquet), preprint, 2023.
- Blackwell's approachability with time-dependent outcome functions and dot products. Application to the Big Match (with Bruno Ziliotto), preprint, 2023.
- Global plant extinction risk assessment informs novel biodiversity hotspots (with many co-authors), preprint, 2021.
- Unifying mirror descent and dual averaging (with A. Juditsky & É. Moulines),
to appear in Mathematical Programming, 2023. - Refined approachability algorithms and application to regret minimization with global costs,
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22(200):1−38, 2021. - A MOM-based ensemble method for robustness, subsampling and hyperparameter tuning (with G. Lecué, M. Lerasle),
Electronic Journal of Statistics 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1202-1227. - Sparse stochastic bandits (with V. Perchet et C. Vernade),
Proc. Mach. Learn. Res. (COLT 2017), 65:1269–1270, 2017. - Online learning and Blackwell approachability with partial monitoring: optimal convergence rates (with V. Perchet),
Proc. Mach. Lean. Res. (AISTATS 2017), 54:604–613, 2017. - Gains and losses are fundamentally different in regret minimization: the sparse case (with V. Perchet),
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(229):1–32, 2016. - A continuous-time approach to online optimization (with P.
Journal of Dynamics and Games, 4(2):125–148, 2017. - A universal bound on the variations of bounded convex functions,
Journal of Convex Analysis, 24(1):67–73, 2017.